Well after some tinkering I was finally able to get it working. Just thought I'd give you the update. It's really odd, but after short circuiting the "B" tabs really quickly, it started getting power at the "P" tabs..
I honestly have no clue why that did the trick, but I guess ignorant...
Thanks for the reply. Good to know it's wired correctly (I'll take your word for it -- from your website, it looks like you know what you're talking about [thumbsup2]).. It's been driving me crazy trying to determine if it's my connections or the PCM that's screwed up. The cells are...
Hey everyone, I built an 18650 4s battery pack with a PCM, but I’m having trouble with the PCM part. I followed the wiring diagram they provide & I could swear that I have it wired correctly, but I’m not getting any voltage out of the lead wires from the PCM.
I know I have the batteries...