Dear all,
I need to model a circular foundation with 19m of diameter suported by 32 piles. I don't need to model the piles, only their effect. I used restraints (pinned) in the position of the piles.
Is this correct?
Is there other/best way to do it?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
I'm with version 15. Maybe for that I don't have this feature.
I want a graphical view of the soil stress above the foundation in SAP2000. If I understood that is not possible with this version. Only plot of displacements and efforts on the slab?
Want do you mean by ballast coefficient?
I'm trying to visualize the stress in the soil due to the action of a shallow foundation, but I only know how to see the stress in the bottom of the slab.
How can I see the soil stress?
Thank you.
I'm trying to simulate a slab foundation on SAP2000, but I have a question about the use of springs to simulate the behavior of the soil.
The program asks for spring stiffness per unit area. But I have my spring stiffness in m3. It’s correct to put this last value in m3? Because, if I...