This warning appears every time when opening and saving.How to turn off?
"SOLIDWORKS CAM data cannot be stored as lightweight parts have been detected. Proceeding with save operation will result in loss of previous SOLIDWORKS CAM data."
handleman, yes, you are right.
It looks confused why SW uses two different extensions for part and assembly. NX uses ".prt" for both part and assembly. Actually There's no difference between them. When creating a part file, it uses part template for it, when creating assembly file, similarly it...
Sometime we need to create mirror part like lefthand and righthand parts, but "hole callout" fails in mirror feature, especially for thread. Of course the two parts need to keep association.
My operation is to create a new part B, then insert part A, mirror the body.
SBaugh that's exactly what I want.
But I find another problem. To autofill part number in drawing file, I create "Autofill No." in custom property, the value is
"Part.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("").Set("SW-Part Number",Rtrim(Left(Part.GetTitle,InStr(Part.GetTitle,"R")-2)))"
My file is...
When I download a model file from internet,It needs to define several attributes like "Specification""Materail""Part Number"。In UG NX, we can import these from a pre-defined file. It's painful to type in these one by one every time.
Here I want to get the Part Name(I think it's same as DB_PART_NO) of some part in the assembly navigator, use it as a string in expression. How can I do this?
So as the value of expression "A" can only be 1, 2, 3, when a part has several specs. I watched the video "Attributes and Expression Templates" by John. It uses a List Type attribute in Attribute Templates. But is it possible to do this more directly just in expressions dialogue box? Beginner to...
Great. It works well. I wonder is there any book helping to learn Parametric Design or secondary development etc. After doing something as standardiztion, so I can make the design process more efficiency and automatic.
In the help documentation, there is a case "Converting an Interger to String, sVAR=itos (12)", but when I use the same statement in expression, it says "Couldn't find object for itos.""No fuction itos." I want to converting a numerical value to srting, then make the string as part of a...
Here I have a part family part. First in the Attribute Templates I define an attribute title called "Type", "Integer" for Data Type, List "59, 60, 61". Then create expressions as follows
Type=linked to attribute "Type"
Then I found when Type<2, L=40...
I tried. Even though I switch to the Drafting application to make the NX graphics window showing Sheet drawing, then save, it still only shows a model preview in the windows explorer. I have no idea.
In the Windows Explorer .prt file can be displayed as a thumbnail. A model file has a unique preview, but a drawing file have both model preview and sheet preview. In my case, some of the drawing files display with a model preview and others display with a sheet preview. For example...
I'm also confused about the material. I also used the string <WRef1*0@Material> in both title block and parts list. As I used the command "Assign Material" to a part, it did work in the Parts List, but not work in the title block. I tried to use Attribute Tool > Synchronize Attribute to make the...