I am not a lawyer, and I am not trying to be one.
The FAR subpart (stated above) refers to professional engineering as defined by the applicable State law. So which law is applicable? Can law-governing engineering work on a Federally-owned property located in Tennessee apply law from any State...
I enjoy this dialogue and hope we can continue to share information as such. I didn't copy the whole subpart of the FAR or any of the other subparts it references; they are readily accessed in acquisition.gov. The SHOULD aspect is on how the CO determines the work to be considered professional...
I was not referring to any State requiring PE license for Federal work on Federal properties. I am referring to the Federal Agency requiring State PE for engineering work. If in your long experience, you were not required to have a PE in a particular state, that is something the CO would need...
I've seen many threads elsewhere on this topic, i.e., must an engineer be registered in the particular State for work on a Federal property. All of the responses I have seen are from individuals who either convey themselves as knowing the answer or from individuals who are...