Thanks a lot for your answers my friends.
When NFPA speaks about maximum system demand, does it mean all systems downstream of the pump ? in my case Sprinkler (2300 gpm) + inside hoses stations (250 gpm) = 2550 gpm
so If it's rignt I can choose à fire pump of 2000 gpm (2000 x 1,4)=2800 > 2550
Thanks for your help Travis.
Values I give are just for an example.
I've only inside hose station downstream of my pump.
I've choosen a rating pump of 2500 gpm because I thought that the flow of my
calculation point must be under the 100% rating flow of my pump.
It is not true ?
I don't find...
In fact I've made a calculation and I want to size my pump.
My results are 522 m3/h (8700 lpm - 2300 usgpm) at 8,10 b (117 psi)
I decide to choose a pump 2500 usgpm at 125 psi.
Does it correct to do that saying that sprinkler demand (2300 usgpm) + hose demand(250 gpm for ESFR system) is less...
Hi ! does somebody can help me ?
I want to know in witch NFPA Code I can find how to choose a fire pump and
water tank after having result of hydraulic calculation for sprinkler system
and hose demand.