Dear all
I do a compression simulation with one end is fixed and one end is compressed controlled by velocity, for example -10mm/s for 2 seconds expecting a displacement -20mm in total.
However, time converges around 0.6s by increasing increments.
Do you have an idea how to reach the deformation...
No. I am sure you did not understand what I am asking. It already started to buckle in a small displacement. What I want to know is that simulation is not converging to the displacement I gave.
Okay.. I prescribed a displacement on the top surface of the honeycomb structure and a displacement is pretty big enough to buckle, a displamcent is 50% of total height of the stucture
I am using abaqus riks to represent a behavior of honeycomb structure under compression
I want to compress half of the total length of the structure for example I gave displacement 10, total height of honeycomb structure is 20. It is not simple honeycomb structure so I imported geometry...