Thanks prex for your answers ! Sometimes it's a bit complicated to read the code taking into account all the paragraphs.
In another thread which I follow carefully you wrote :
So the good way to process is :
[ol 1]
Determine per UG-36 (c)(3) is the opening need a reinforcement or not
If they...
UG-36(c)(3)(-c) specifies : "No two isolated unreinforced openings, in accordance with (-a) or (-b) above, shall have their centers closer to each other than the sum of their diameters". So, from my point of view, this is applicable only for unreinforced openings. But my large opening shall be...
Hi prex !
Thanks for your answer, I'm happy that this problem grabs your attention.
[EDIT] thread794-395350 grabs my attention and I think I made a mistake by using UG-36(c)(3)(-d).
Indeed :
- Openings 1 and 2 are 49.2mm diameter
- Opening 3 is 50 mm diameter
The spacing between them is...
Hello there !
I need to design a flat head with multiple openings according to ASME VIII Div 1 and more particularly UG-36 and UG-39.
First of all, I determine the minimum required thickness of the flat head without opening using UG-34. Then I tried to calculate the openings.
I have 4...