dear sir
I got the solution from IHS and get the code case supplements 2.
But here comes other question
The ASME BPVC.II.D.C-2019 show SA335P91 allowable is still different to code case 2864-1 table 3/3M
which one it type1 or type2
The code case 2864 is ASME 2015.
P91 TYPE1/2 is shown in ASME 2019, so I think 2865-1 should be a new revision of code case.
But i just cant find it.
Thanks for reply
I'vd check code case (ASME BPVC.CC.BPV-2019), I only find "Case 2864", there is no Case 2864-1.
Could you tell me where to download such information
I have a question about material SA/A335Gr.P91.
Before, we use SA/A335Gr.P91 for boiler main steam piping.
But this year, this material separate to SA/A335Gr.P91 TYPE1 & SA/A335Gr.P91 TYPE2.
Only can find some composition is different but no any further information about allowable stress(SEC...