I'm writing up a test procedure to measure the frequency response of a setup that I have. Its fundamental mode is about 2.2 Hz so I'll be doing a sweep from 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz to be safe. However, I know nothing about how long I should run the test. For example should I do a linear sweep from...
I understand how to construct a bode plot, however what I am sending to the servo amp is a voltage which is proportional to torque. What I am reading out from the encoder is position. So somehow I need to either convert my torque commands to a corresponding position command or convert my...
I'm trying to figure out how I can characterize the natural modes of my mechanical system. I have a servo amp in which a voltage is fed and in turn a PWM is generated. So the voltage fed is proportional to the torque I want to apply. The feedback is an encoder. However, when I do a sine...