I have read many thesis and would like to dig deeper into simulations and studies of electric and magnetic fields in SUBSTATIONS. I would like to confront data that is measured in the field with simulated data. Does anyone know any free software to perform simulations or any matlab code that can...
Hi Power0020,
This is a question of how you are disposed to invest and if is viable to you...
In some situations, only using some products it is posible to achieve the correct resistance of your system.
I don't know if this help you, but here is some links to a product that do that ( by the...
Hi Guys,
I'm doing some simulations on software CYMGRD for earth substation, and i am really need some light on that..
Informations to do mesh:
BUS 138kV - ICC = 7kA - Remote contribuition 100%
BUS 13.8kV - ICC = 12kA - Remote contribuition 0% (dont have neutrals).
In my country they don't...
Thank you Guys for all support. At now, i'm doing some simulations with CymGRD software, and we will try use a product called GEM, we are in contact with support factory. Let see if we'll found a good solutions $$$ in this case.
i will put a resolution of the facts here..
Hi Guys,
My client want to install a substation on a mountain literally, there is a big rock underground all over the terrain, we can`t dig and explode anything [bomb] (ambiental)...
In these cases how can i do equipotentialization?? any sugestion?
Terrain have 25x30 meters
Isc = 14kA