I would like to launch successive calculations with Abaqus via Python. Between each calculations i have to apply some python code to extract some results but i dont know how to achieve that...
To launch a calculation with cmd in windows :
C:\SIMULIA\Abaqus\Commands\abq6131.bat job=Fish1
So my...
Sorry for the delay...I have this one! thanks for your help ;)
** Job name: dernier1 Model name: test_plastic
** Generated by: Abaqus/CAE 6.13-1
*Preprint, echo=NO, model=NO, history=NO, contact=NO
*Part, name=PART-1-1
1, 0., -13.75...
I m trying to apply to apply plastic strains initial conditions in Abaqus as you can see below :
** ----------------------------------------------------------------
*Initial Conditions, type=PLASTIC STRAIN
test_elements, 0.338, -0.276, -0.0618, 0.0447
** STEP: Step-1
This part of...
I m trying to extract stresses at each nodes or each integration points. I can get stresses but i have nothing to know where it is situated the values. How can i add the node number or node coordinate? Below it is my code to extract just all stresses components
from odbAccess import *
Ok thanks! ;)
So at the end of my .inp file, i have to add "*Element Output, Position=Nodes" in field output?
*Restart, write, frequency=0
** FIELD OUTPUT: F-Output-1
*Output, field, variable=PRESELECT
*Output, history...
Sorry i dont understand...i have to request that where in abaqus?
I have 6.13 Abaqus and i m looking for in the "Edit Field Output Request"
or i have to add that in my inp file?
Thanks for your help
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I m trying to extract the stresses with Python at each integration points (or an extrapolation to the nodes). I get the stresses but i dont succeed to use a nodelabel or something like that to
know where i m extracting...