Hello All,
I am working on stochastic upscalling of damage in concrete microstructure. Can someone provide a UMAT for Mazar's damage model or any resource to help me create UMAT on my own.
Thank you.
Vasav Dubey
Texas A&M University
Texas, USA
Can I do something like this?
a = mdb.models['Model-1'].rootAssembly
e1 = a.instances['MatrixITZAggregate-1'].sets['Aggregate1'].faces
a.seedPartInstance(regions=e1, size=1.0, minSizeValue=0.9)
Hello everyone,
Currently I am working on concrete microstructure for which I am developing a Abaqus script which will create random microstructure with provided characteristics and do analysis. I need help in extracting edges from sets I defined during creating parts.
I want to seed the edges...