Today i tested o lot of things.
It is the same result exporting it to dwg or other file types.
So it is a rendering problem.
I really get a good result by playing arround with different colors.
My backround is white and the best result i got by using a dark grey and a high % of...
@ cowski
I did it in same way. I created a isometric baseview NX9 exact fully shaded.
I created a NXopen project which sets color and translurency by using view dependent edit.
The problem with view borders i read on siemens page. So i tried with only one view on page.
I now talked with our...
I don't understand that. Why should I need a VisView License inside NX. Cgm viewer only shows results of plot or exported cgm file.
But a missing VisView license can not be the problem. There are enough available.
This could be a way but I thing it is to complicated.
There are a lot of drawings with a huge number of pages.
I thing there is something wrong in my configuration so that transparency is not activ.
If i got to plot, action block and advanced plot i can checked cgm viewer. The viewer also...
Hi all together,
i tried to export my drawing to PDF but there is a problem.
My page contains some fully shaded views. Most of the body's shown are white and with transparency of 70%.
The other are red and transparency 0%.
On my screen it looks perfect but after export to PDF there is no...
Hi all together,
I tried to create a tool for my drawings. There are some isometric views on the page.
If I need to rotate the modeling view of on draftingview all the other views should also turn around in the same way.
So I need to aling all views to one selected.
To turn around I change...
Hi all together,
i try to find a way to syncron the part attributes to the assembly.
In this case i found AssembliesGeneralPropertiesBuilder and tried out the following code but it doesn´t work.
Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Hi all together,
i try to find a solution to get the component is connectet to a routing object.
I played arraund with Segments, Isegments, stocks,connectionpoints and routing manager.
At the moment i use a attribute for each... to identify the flange, sleeve or t-peece.
Is there a better...
Hy cowski,
thanks for helping me.
I take the code from nxjournaling and modify it for me.
Now it works fine.
I also tried to get an account on nxjournaling but i never recived a mail. So i can not loggin.
Thanks Hagen
Hy Mark and cowski,
thank you very much.
I change my code this morning and it works well.
I know where attributes could be applied. It somethimes not easy using german Version of NX and Journal.
I will switch to english version.
Some attributes of routing mechnical parts are stored in...
Hey cowski,
Sorry I forgot to write the version.
I'm using NX 9 and TC 10.
Now I don't know how to modify the code to get it working.
I started with nx journal a few days before.
It is hard to understand the net.ref.
Can you help me?
Thanks Hagen
Hy at all,
i have a little problem with my Journal.
I have a drawing with a lot of id symbols created by the user manuel. Now i whant to modify the part is associated with the symbol.
There is no Attribute created to the part or somthimg else i can identify it. So i need to get it via the id...
Hy all together,
I´m new with NX Journaling and got a Problem by reading an Attribute from a part.
All the part attributes i can read with my Journal. But there are some attributes assingned to the stock (extrude) in the part.
I tried to read the Material Attribute (string) but it didn´t work...