I'm looking for information (formulas) to calculate the influence of fan blade angle on the efficiënty (power consumption and flow). The fans applies to a coolingtower. Due to overheating of the engine, we changed the angle but we don't know whats the influence on the all over performance...
Duriong summer we have max.temps of 30 °C and in winter we have minima of -10 °C. A colloegue of Borealis told me that John Zink (flare manufacturer) recommends to keep the header always above 100 °C to prevent condensation during startup phase. Condensate could exstinguish the pilots and...
Since 1970 we operate a VCM plant with a nameplate capacity of 550.000 MT/year.
The reliefvalve headers are connected with a 100 m high flare built by John Zinc.
The flare is steam assisted (steampressure = 12.5 barg).
Up to 5 years ago the ventgases of the plant was continuous burned in the...