I have calculated the immediate and consolidation settlement for pile group (in clay soil), and the results was 3.3 mm and 33 mm respectively. are these values admissible for settlement beneath pile foundation or not? and why?
what do you mean? how does the water affect the concrete section in the calculations???
I have used unit weight 24 Kn/m3 for the concrete to calculate the stem and base weights, and a unit weight 18 Kn/m3 for the soil on the heel to calculate its weight. is this alright?
Thank you for your answer. so, I should calculate the vertical forces (W stem + W base + W soil)using the total unit weight for the soil not the effective in spite of the presence of water, then multiply the summation by the friction coefficient at the base.
I want to calculate the resistance forces against sliding in a retaining wall design, the water table is in the surface, so should I use the total unit weight or the the effective unit weight to calculate the soil weight behind the wall? the total unit weight for the soil is 18, so should I...