Shockdesigner331 (Mechanical)
Your statement “I have a copy of only section III, division 1, subsection NF of the B&PV code. I should be able to figure out how to interpret note 1…” is a problem. Do not forget that Subsection NCA also applies. There may be other subsections referenced as...
I agree that the nozzles should be reversed, but the current arrangement has little effect on operation.
As far as “Valves are not allowed between the PRV and the pressure tank” is a good practice, and may not be allowed in particular regulatory jurisdictions, ASME VIII, UG-126(g) (2)...
Cespi82: I agree with TGS4 on using the NBIC or the jurisdiction requirements for re-rating. Also, It helps greatly if you identify why the equipment has been re-rated to provide a record for future engineers on the job.
As far as operational pressure testing, using the code of record or...
Pressure testing the nozzle to be hot tapped is indeed an industry standard practice (It was 10 years ago when I did the last one!). Remember that the nozzle AND the hot tap machine need to withstand the process pressure and temperature, hence the pressure test before the...
I fully agree with r6155 that this vessel needs to be taken out of service. Based on what information has been provided, nothing is known as to the design or materials being used.
If the corrosion rate is still important, an estimated corrosion rate could be determined by identifying the...
I would caution you to be sure of the terminology being used. While I have not looked at B31.8 in a while, nor have I looked at the British Standard, in ASME B&PVC Section VIII, Div. 1, there is a difference between a "Standard Hydrostatic Test" in UG-99 and a proof test "Proof Test to...