Thank you Slavag, its working! Implementing it on Thursday. I've played around with the time delay, 100ms is the safest time delay [wink]. 80ms block and if I run the test again it trips and then blocks again.
Thank you your help.
Hi Slavag,
Please find attached sketch. It make sense to me, so I'll try it now and let you know.
Hopefully it works. Thanks for your help.
Thank for the reply.
@ DTR2011, No the SPAJ only gives out a dry contact (Think i see the problem). On the wiring diagram attached page 4, the external control picks up a relay U2, so I need a voltage? I will try to get that voltage with a additional relay but hopefully it does not effect the...
Good day all,
My aim is to block the Incomer's over current and earth fault setting once the Feeder relay picks up a fault.
Using the SPAJ 141C module SPCJ 4D24. The Feeder relay (SPAJ 141C) sends out a Start Signal to the incomer (once a fault is picked up) on terminal 74 & 75 (Start 1) with...