I have a booster pump (260psi head) at the ground level, and a hydro-pneumatic tank at 45th floor, top floor. How should I calculate the required the working or max. pressure for the tank? Assume city water 40psi, and pre-charge 30psi. Thanks!
Where can I find an installation detail for 4 levels of underground parking garage shaft (fire rated) sidewall exhaust fan and fire damper?
Confused on this. googled but cannot see how the fan and fire damper installed. right now, I have to use out of wall fire damper installation because the...
Also, this building used pressure break in the chilled water loop. Anyone knows the chilled water pressure break is necessary for the chiller water loop for the 50stories building?
I have a question:
Condo building chilled water risers provide Chilled water for fan coil units. But at the lowest floor, there is a cleanout for each riser. This chilled water system can still be seen as closed loop? or open loop? This is important for selecting chilled water pumps, correct...
In any cases, I know I have to count fixtures. The question here is: what is the demand factor and storage capacity factor to use for the retails? The office is 0.3 and 2, then retails? The "Hot Water Demand per Fixture for Various Types of Buildings at a final temperature of 140°F" did not...
I know ASHRAE handbook has a table to calculate hot water demand in GPH. But I checked it and other websites, and found space category only for office, apartment, hotel, etc. But there is no data for retail stores. Which building category can I follow to size a tank for retails(Walmart size)?
I know 'if you use a heating system more often than air conditioning, you need an HRV. If you use the air conditioning more than a heating system, an ERV is recommended'.
But is it OK to use ERV for either heating season or for cooling season? Any reason for us to select ERV or HRV? The...
I checked some honeywell reverse t'stat which has max. temp 86F only. i want max. 100F setting. that's why I need help here to get thermostat with higher max. temperture.
My purpose is to start the exhaust fan when the reverse thermostat reaches 100F. then the room temperature will drop due to the outside air intake. Reverse t'stat will be interlocked with exhaust fan. I need some information regarding the reverse thermostat which will start the exhaust fan when...
Hi, I have an electrical room to be installed a reverse acting thermostat, with setting point 100F. But I cannot find a reverse acting thermostat with 100F setting. H..Well product has only 86F. My design temperature outside is 87F in summer, so I want the setting to be 100F. Can anyone...