Hi All,
I've been working on a design for an application where a film (LDPE) is to be coated with a acrylic polymer adhesive with a viscosity of roughly 5,000 cps. The initial concept is to coat the LDPE film with a layer of the adhesive between 10-50 microns at a max rate of 5 in/sec.
Thanks for the feedback guys, great info! Using a large bore cylinder will be no problem as I am in the system design phase, so any cylinder really can be used. The only issue I have with the hydraulic system is the potential for leaks. What would be a reasonable expectation for leak free...
I've read on a few sites that use of a servo valve with a hydraulic cylinder allows for positioning as fine as .0005". I'm interested in the actuator as that may work as well, dependening on the cost of course.
Thanks for the input!
Hi All,
First time poster, long time lurker.
I have an application where I need to have a high force generating motion control system, and after a bit of research I've landed on using hydraulics for the application. I've had some design experience with fluid power, albeit mostly in a...