Hi everybody,
As you know, DIN 3961 gives tolerances for gear of module>=1. It refers to DIN 58405 for fine gears of module<1. But, as I know, DIN 58405 has been withdrawn!! So:
1-For fine gear of module < 1; which DIN standard is applicable?
2-For gear of module>=1, both DIN 58405 and DIN 3961...
Thanks to gearcutter and tbuelna.
The other data of gears are
center distance: a=(Zp+Zg)*m/2=95.25(-0.01 to +0.01)
tip diameters: do_p=Zp*m+2*m=51(-.02 to -0.05) , do_p=145.5(-.02 to -0.05)
root diameter (in theory, not checked): df_p=Zp*m-2.5*m=44.25, df_G=138.75
So the theoretical clearance of...
Hi everybody!
I have a problem with maximum tooth thickness suggested by AGMA 2002.
As a practical experience, I determined maximum tooth thickness of a pair of gear using that standard. Unexpectedly, after fabrication, many of gear meshing had interference and didn't rotate properly. However...