Artisi, thanks very much. Well one of the parameter or code of NPFA, if I am on the right track, in fire pump selection is the pump should produce 65% of that pressure which would than be 65% x 9 = 5.85 bar and 150% of the flow which then would be 150% x 7000 = 10500 lpm. Am I going on the right...
add the flows of the sprinklers that would be running if there is a fire and multiply by 3 or 4 hours. Check the standards you are using there for hours needed.
I have designed a fire hydrant system which has water/Foam monitors, spray nozzles, foam chambers and hydrants for a fuel storage tank facility. I came up with a pressure of 9 bars and a flow of 7000 lpm. Please help me properly size the fire pump. The pump shall be a diesel driven centrifugal...