civilman72: I agree that there is not enough space between Swann Circle and Walmart's driveway for back-to-back left-turn-only lanes (LTOL)
As a consequence of this issue, I am no longer on cordial terms with the city engineer and will not attempt to speak for him. But he has stated...
Thanks for posting the Google Map link.
According to the city, those are not "bike lanes" but rather "paved shoulders". The city has not posted the shoulders for any use. While bicycles are welcome to ride on these "paved shoulders", they would not make a suitable "bike lanes" as they...
Lee's Summit, MO has converted a 35-mph four-lane shoulder-less suburban road into three-lanes with a TWLTL and shoulders. Along this road, a residential intersection is separated from a Walmart entrance by only about 80 feet. Head-on left-turn traffic is competing for the short span of TWLTL...