The only tricky thing observed here is skirt thickness due to anchor chair reaction for which we don't have any reference and even hand calculation as per B&Y I found difficult Hence I am considering same sized Anchor chair outside skirt so that Moment due to load P would be same only side would...
Thanks for contribution.
I was following the same procedure as mentioned by jtseng123 knowing that this is not good idea and that's why this type of design is hardly in use. I myself don't have any reference but due to two major constraints we are doing this exercise, 1)requirement to increase...
We were looking reference to install Anchor chair inside Column Skirt. For one of our Column, To increase the capacity, Column Diameter need to be increased However there is constraint of foundation. Since space is not available BCD of Anchor Bolt and Base Ring OD need to be kept as per existing...
In India, normally fabricators are mentioning 3-5% thinning for contact expansion which is 10% witnessed by TPIA. My effort is to consider same in Tubesheet calculation for economical design. Sequence of Tube to Tubesheet joint followed is 1. welding, 2. Pneumatic Test @ 1.25 kg/cm2, 3...
I am trying to establish thinning for contact expansion which I can measure and so I can take advantage of same in tubesheet thickness calculation (ltx).
Thanks EdStainless
Please advise how much thinning is measurable. whether I can specify 3 to 5% thinning (for Carbons Steel tubes) for contact expansion type of joints and whether same is measurable.
For Contact (light) Expansion Tube to tubesheet joint what should be the minimum % thinning in tube wall thickness shall take place so that same can be inspected based on diameter of tube after expansion.
Thanks for your comments.
This delay in reply is because I was on vacation [smile][smile].
I understand we can conclude that for strength weld + contact expansion tube to tubesheet joint, advantage of tube expansion length shall not be considered in tubesheet thickness calculation (ltx = 0)...
what should be the expanded length of tubesheet (ltx) to be considered in Tubesheet calculation, for strength weld plus contact expansion (i.e. 2-3% thinning) tube to tubesheet joint?
We are working with DEC (Detail Engineering Contractor). Earlier we were considering actual length of tube to be...