From what I understand is his pqr for fcaw-g was dcep and his fcaw-s was dcen. It is a structure but the dwg only says internal qualification required with a visual inspection. First time this company supplied our drawings. I'm thinking at this time they will become familiar with their...
For parameters they had the machine setup at 22v 250ipm, apparently all positions. Material 1.5"x3"x.188"wall. QA was apparently self visual checks. And it sounds like 90% were dcen and once found started grinding and correcting the "ugly" welds.
There recently has been a project completed at my work and an issue has been brought up that I do not know how to proceed on. The welders had manufactured a large structure using Flux core with gas, it was Hobart Excel Arc 71 wire. But they had the machine set up in DCEN. With most of the heat...