I'm doing simulations. I am interested in the transients associated with scalar control method (constant Volt/Hz). I'm trying to determine the performance degradation for certain loads. I believe the transients associated with constant Voltz/Hz is determined by these parameters. However, I'm...
Those introductory books do have a few examples, but they seem to be specialized cases where the rotor and stator have the exact same windings. I'm not sure that reflects real world motors. So I was wondering if anyone knows of general trends (larger rotor inductance than stator). Also, Is my...
Well I've search a lot of texts online for several days and have not come across an answer. I figured it was elementary. I also figured if it was common knowledge, someone would help point me towards a text or an answer.
I'm doing some research on the time constants associated with the induction motor. Currently I'm using a simple model of the induction motor to determine the time constants associated with the rotor and stator windings and was looking for some general information.
In general, does the rotor...