I would say omega=sqrt(m/k). When the two modes move away from each other, the combined mode is a resonance. When the modes are approaching each other, the combined mode is cancellation. So the frequency of the combined mode is sqrt[(m1^2/k1^2+m2^2/k2^2). Now (M-lamda *K)=(dx/dt). Resonance...
I didn't say design built. I say design in the context of conceptual design. You must think that all North American accredited universities are craps under British rule! May I say all the North American university professors will rise against you.
disclaimer: all calculations and comments...
I do not know why you structural engineers are against me. I have been around for forty years. When I was in sophomore, many of the structural engineers were still in high school. Although I might lack experience as a structural engineer, I never the less am a civil engineer which entitles me...
I went to a job for an interview. I went to the office and asked the manager. I said, "Engineering." The manager said, "Downstairs. The accounting department is upstairs."
disclaimer: all calculations and comments must be checked by senior engineers before they are taken to be acceptable.
The existential of structural engineering is my pleasure.
disclaimer: all calculations and comments must be checked by senior engineers before they are taken to be acceptable.
I think this building is so small that it falls within Part Nine of the Canadian National Building Code which does not require an engineer or an architect. Besides, I have studied structural engineering no lesser than any of you.
disclaimer: all calculations and comments must be checked by...
This dummy is so happened to be For God.
disclaimer: all calculations and comments must be checked by senior engineers before they are taken to be acceptable.
Usually, I work out my design on my computer first and then I rethink the structure. The example I provided is only a preliminary conceptual design. After that, I used Math Solver to work out the step-by-step mathematics for the structure later. Finally, I will conclude my calculations with my...
Yes, all the joints are fixed for simplicity. The trusses should be pinned as I use fixed-end fixity for the structs and purlins. The building is run using steel instead of wood. I tried to use wood for the program but the program does not provide optimization using wood. No one can actually...
The program provides Canadian, American, British, and Indian codes. The codes are embedded. I only need to select the code. In this case, I use CSA S16. The program does the checking and design.
disclaimer: all calculations and comments must be checked by senior engineers before they are...
L for live load and the pattern probably directs towards half loads or alternating loads pattern in whatever case has the highest resultant loads.
P.S. I retired this year at 65 and I only have limited experience in structural engineering. I have no jobs so I spend my time reading for 40 yrs...
I am trying out Skyciv.com. It is a student version. The building should be a simple two stories 2X6 roof 16" o.c., 2X6 16" o.c. 2nd floor and 2X8 16" o.c. main floor made of wood. But Skyciv.com can only do metal buildings for optimal design. So I let the program choose the best HS section...
The code says the foundation has to be below the frost line. Insulating the bottom of the foundation is not equivalent to the foundation below the frost line. You have to build up the basement to ground level.
You have to thicken the perimeter beams but also you have to watch out for an...
No, the foundation footing has to be below the frost line. You better design the building with conventional footing. I came across a job where the engineer uses a foundation slab for a two-story house on collapsable soil where the load of the house has to be spread evenly over the soil. But...
The pipe has two failure modes: 1. rupture by ring pressure, 2. rupture by bending stress along the longitudinal direction. Note, Pipe behaves differently from plates or beams because the pipe circumference is usually thin. So it is a thin shell or membrane and the failure stress along the...
To DJSim,
I have the same trouble in estimate the load for seismic analysis too. But one thing I guess each structural analysis computer program should have a scale factor for the load and you can estimate the max load and the min load and use the scale factor to find the optimal loadings...
The columns are actually on a 30' by 30' grid. The beams are sitting on a 10' spacing. The connection joining the beam to the girder has a column above aand below the connection. These connection are often spaced 10' apart.
Yes, the beams should only be reinforced with bottom...
To r13,
I did not put the stairwells to the elevator shafts is because of architural purpose. I want the tenants to be able to walk to the elevator doors as quickly as possible. Sometimes, the tenants have to walk around the elevator shafts to the elavotor doors situated on the opposite side...
To dhengr,
Thanks. I would size down the interior beams. Instead of making the interior beams the same size of the girder, I will size it down.
disclaimer: all calculations and comments must be checked by senior engineers before they are taken to be acceptable.