I have used a macro to rename all the parts in a product,including partnumber and instance. But how to save the file name of all catpart,and keep the assembly link the same,through macro ?anyone who knows that?
before a macro program running, a sketch(different name in different documents,maybe sketch1,sketch2 or sketch3 ) has be opened. I want to do some drawings in the opened sketch, but I don't know how to do next? following is part of my codes:
Sub CATMain()
Dim InputObjectType(0), Status...
Before a macro program begin running, a sketch has be opened. My problem is that how can I get the name of the sketch, and its parent object? In many examples, we use sketch.add(),or a certain name of sketch. But in different situations the opened sketches may have different names.
Any one...
Hi ferdo, thanks for your reply. Maybe I don't express my question clear. My problem is that :
I want to draw some shapes with the macro in a existed sketch(maybe sketch.1 sketch.2 sketch.3 or some another).in other word, begin the macro run I have opened a Catpart or product, and make a...
I want to write a macro to draw in the current opened sketch, but how to dim the current sketch ,up level part ,document ,their names may be different in different CAtparts ,or some way I have no need to dim them? I am new about macro..
hi guys
I would like to know is there any way to create a rectangle or polygon around the selection line through the catia macro。Example is shown in the following picture。Do you have any good idea?