Anyone have a ball park of how much power a typical smart-phone using GSM, GPS and some processing will emit?
Trying to get a handle of how much heat does a typical phone have to dissipate to not fry the components.
I was actually more inclined towards making the spacer on the long side of the neutral length, to make sure that when the torque comes the bearing gets unloaded laterally and the ball bearing indeed function line ball bearings.
Yes, these are ball bearings.
The thing is that I am actually changing the bearing off set for the wheel so I need to provide my own tightening torque and Spacer dimension.
The torque question comes because I have typically seen mechanics put together a wheel torque the axle until the wheel is free.
I have 14 year old mag wheels on my car which originally had tubed tyres but I moved to tubeless tyres recently.
Off late I am loosing 1psi / day in one of the tyres and 0.5psi/day in an other. I could not find a puncture. This number has risen over the last one year.
Is there a way apart from...
I am trying to understand what the dimension of the spacer between the wheel bearing should be. I believe because the axle tightens the middle spacer onto the inner races of both the bearings the spacer should be slightly larger than the nominal distance between the bearings so that when the...
Modern phones are packing more and more processor power and RAM in their phones while phones are becoming slimmer.
Apart from more efficient components. I assume there is still a lot of power being dissipated by these components as heat. My question is what is the new cooling tech that is...