This is a picture of the model I've been working on. As you can see, I'm applying a displacement on the top of the sphere and I'm willing to compute the sum of 'RF-2' (on the top) as a function of the displacement (U2)...
Thank you!
The script is running well but it only gives the final sum of 'RF-2'. In fact, I would need the sum of 'RF-2's over a surface at each time increment. The plug-in I've been using only gives me 'RF-2' of 1 node at each time increment and that is the problem. Please, would you have any...
Automated Textfile Export of History Output Requests of all opened ODB Files in current CAE session
Hi there,
This plug-in ( collects the data from the History Output and generates an excel file. Does anyone know how to re-write the plug-in in...