It was communicated to me that the base metals (Castings) are considered non-ductile and would fracture in the base metal prior to achieving the required tensile strength. Maybe this is untrue and i should just perform the testing and see.
I have to weld two non-pressure retaining items together using a partial penetration groove weld. The items are ASTM 297 Gr. HH castings. There is no assigned P-number. How would I develop a procedure when I could not pass the required tensile testing required for the Procedure qualification.
NBIC interpretation 95-35 question 1 is: "Is the welding in of a plug to seal tubes of a boiler or pressure vessel considered a repair"
Answer: Yes
Why is this a repair and not also an alteration?
Hello, So in the NBIC Part 3, Examples of Alterations 3.4.3 (d) states that a change in the dimensions or contour of a pressure retaining item constitutes an alteration. (e) states that In a Boiler, an increase in the heating surface or steaming capacity constitutes an alteration.
My question...