mike20793 My AISC manual is the 14t edition printed in June 2011. The condition in Table K1.2 is for a longitudinal plate T-connection under plate shear load, and the limit states are Plate Limit States and HSS punching shear. They give the formula for HSS punching shear, which is dependent on...
I am designing an HSS column which has a vertical plate with a shear load welded to the column wall. Looking in AISC 14th edition, Table K1.2 on page 16.1-144, it says that the limits are for the plate (which is all set) and the HSS punching shear, which gives the formula in the table. However...
I am designing an HSS column which has a vertical plate with a shear load welded to the column wall. Looking in AISC 14th edition, Table K1.2 on page 16.1-144, it says that the limits are for the plate (which is all set) and the HSS punching shear, which gives the formula in the table. However...
I am designing an HSS column which has a vertical plate with a shear load welded to the column wall. Looking in AISC 14th edition, Table K1.2 on page 16.1-144, it says that the limits are for the plate (which is all set) and the HSS punching shear, which gives the formula in the table. However...