OK, so even though the pump curve says I need 9' NPSHr I can still pull the liquid down to 4' because of the other atmospheric pressure on top of the liquid.
It just does not make sense. The tank is 20' tall, and I want to pump the tank down to 4', but need 150 psi discharge. The pump curve shows I need 9' NPSH required. So if I get to add, static pressure, let's just say (2.31 x 16'= 36')to the 9' That would mean I should be able to pull a vacuum...
I enjoyed soaking up some knowledge from the pump calculation thread. I have a question sizing a centrifugal pump in an oil storage tank battery. I have a 400 barrel tank, they say it is (low Pressure/Atmospheric) It has a thief hatch on top to allow inbreathing and out breathing for thermal...