While I agree with what is being said I am still confused due to the difference is thicknesses that can be calculated. If I use UG-34 with Eq(1) you get 1.067 and Eq(2) 1.250 however with App.Y you get over 2". How is this possible?
If I were to use UG-34:
Equation (1):
t = d*sqrt(CP/SE)
I am trying to determine the thickness of a flat faced blind flange with a dovetail grove machined in it for an o-ring. Similar to flanges in Appendix Y.
Now, if i go to Figure UG-34(k) this is the most similar flange to what i need however it is not flat faced. Would i just need to use...
I am trying to determine the shell temperature of a refractory lined casted pipe.
I know inner and outer diameter of the pipe along with the thickness of the refractory lining. There is a flow of hot gas blowing through the inside of the pipe whose properties are all know. The outside...