I would advise you check out your local roadside safety manual. For roads, it's a combination of the severity of the sideslopes, vehicle speed, etc.
This won't be physically useful to you since it won't match your locales requirements, but the State of Illinois details how to design guardrail...
I would not be convinced about it either....otherwise we would never see a single highway bridge have its girders stripped and repainted.
This recommendation (and estimated cost %'s) applied to "...these shortspan, prefabbed ped(estrian) bridges...." only.
Thank you to dik and bridgebuster for their responses. Bridgebuster, I thank you for your response but I'll also share some information I learned today that will hopefully save you some unnecessary leg work that you offered.
I reached out to another bridge inspector that is also a designer for...
Good afternoon. First time here. I'm a municipal-civil engineering, dealing with smaller scope projects typically, local roads and bridges and such. Also an NBIS inspector, which is where the question arises from.
We have a client looking for a very general cost estimate for blasting and...