I am looking to study a centrifugal clutch in ABAQUS. I have attached the schematic of the system. In brief, a centrifugal clutch is a clutch to transmit torque from one shaft to another. As shown in the schematic, it essentially comprises two parts namely a clutch drum and a shoe that are...
Dear researchers,
I am using the user subroutine UEXPAN in ABAQUS. I want to update a specific set of state variables in the subroutine. The manual of UEXPAN says that ABAQUS calls this subroutine twice-the first based on the values of previous increments and the second based on...
if you're comparing the stresss (S11,S22,S33 and so on) obtained from CAE, I think ABAQUS is giving you total stress so it is doing it correctly. With incremental strain, I think you should be checking the incremental stress. Perhaps check the ODD and subtract the stress between two...
Hi all,
I am trying to model a phase transformation simulation in ABAQUS. I am trying to achieve this by using the subroutines USDFLD, UMAT, UMATH and UEXPAN. The phase fractions will be calculated by USFLD as a function of temperature and the phase fractions as SDVs will be passed on to...
Fellow researchers,
I have a pondering question regarding the material property definition in UMAT. I would like to assign the material properties such as EMOD, ENU, SYIELD, HARD from inside the UMAT by directly assigning the values. For example, if my EMOD is 200e9 then...
Hi fellow researchers,
is there any ABAQUS verfification UMAT subroutine for thermo-elastoplaticity. I have written the attached subroutine file for the same using temperature independent properties but am not able to achieve convergence. I modified this code from the UMAT...
Hello Dave442
thank you replying to my query. Yes, that would exactly suffice my requirement. However, can you please guide me through it? I am in the visualization module and I have browsed through the view option in the toolbar but I can't find any tell-tale signs of anything. Can...
Fellow researchers,
I am carrying out a heat treatment simulation to study phase transformation in ABAQUS. I have written the UMAT subroutine and assigned the volume fraction of each phase as state variables. I can see the see the contour of the state variables giving me...
Fellow researchers,
I am trying to model phase transformation in ABAQUS. I have used UMATH subroutine to define the phase fraction dependent thermal properties such as thermal conductivity and specific heat using state variables resulting from a preceding USDFLD subroutine. In...
this was really helpful. Now it makes sense. Thank you so much. By the way, there is a link attachment redirecting me to github for a plugin. I have never used this plugin. Is the plugin useful? Thank you again.
How does ABAQUS interpolate the values of a material property based on the variation of multiple field variables?
Hi fellow researchers, I would like to clear something in ABAQUS regarding the manner in which ABAQUS interpolates a material property that has been defined to vary according to a...