a984928 Thanks for your help.
The code works great.
I'm just beginning with journals.I don't know how to start.
I think it's a good place for studying.
Thank you again.
a984928,Thanks for you reply.
I want components can be selected antomaticaaly even if them can be seleced by " select all".
I don't know how to perform this in NX interactive mode.I have not NXopen Lisence.
Tomas,Thanks for remind me the commad " see through-all".
I just tried it.But I found when I excuted the commad, the original colors dispeared.
I don't want it happen.
a984928,Thanks for you reply.
Dou you means how to excute the code?
You can do it by clicking the command Tools → Journal → Edit and paste the code ,play it.
Sorry for not describing my issue clearly.
I'm looking for a journal that can change the displayed parts automatically.
just like the icon of Shaded ,the icon of Static Wireframe.
I found a journal that can change the translucency by selecting the parts one by one.
How can I modify the journal...