I have a question pertaining to an ultrasound dispersing system.
The process consists of a tank with recycle... and along this process the flow stream comes into a tank where it is sonicated.
I can add pressure to the tank which causes the power input of the ultrasound to increase...
Now an Extension to the original question...
While my dissolved Oxygen Needs to Transfer to the Nitrogen to be removed from the water...
Can I just consider the Diffusion of Oxygen in Nitrogen to determine my mass Transfer coefficient or would it be better to consider the Diffusion of Oxygen...
Hi thanks for all the Input so far.
I understand that Oxygen would diffuse to Nitrogen.
I am just still confused about the partial pressure aspect. How can the partial pressure of Oxygen decrease if there is not Oxygen in the vapor Phase to begin with?
All of the Oxygen is dissolved in the...
When oxygen is dissolved in water is it still considered to be in the vapor phase?
I guess I don't understand the O2-H2O vapor phase aspect. If I have no oxygen in the vapor phase, how can adding N2 lead to a reduction in oxygen's partial pressure?
I am having a difficult time understanding why sparging water with nitrogen removes the dissolved oxygen in it.
Could someone please help me understand the concept behind it?