Thanks for the response. I think I understand your response, but my problem is that the goal of the test is to obtain pure shear, so it demands the shell being constrained in all 4 edges and those edges moving/rotating but not to happen axial deformation, which happens always if i only couple...
Good afternoon, I'm trying to have a shell behave as a rigid in its edges, so i creatade a "frame" composed by 4 rigid bars that move, and want to make a shell have that motion, however I am having trouble coupling both , because when I try and do that it generates problems in the corners ( of...
Something is still wrong with my modelling, even though I try and copy everything you did, could you take a look at my model ?
Thank you so much for the help, you example is definitely what i was trying to do, i am now using your model in order to learn how to do it my self, since I am having some issues in coupling ( probably because your frame is only mesh a not geometry) with my shell, but, this is already very...
Thank you for your response. I was able to assign the connector elements as you mentioned, but still the structure doesnt move after applied BC, not sure what I'm doing wrong, probably i am doing something wrong in the creation of the connectors/wires/ref.points. The objective is to make a shell...
I am trying to simulate a picture frame test, in order to study wrinkling in thin shells. I found a thesis where its done something similar, but i am not able to understand how to actually do it, since i keep getting errors in element section with rigid wires ( that cant be assigned sections)...
Hello, I'm new to Abaqus and i've encountered problems modelling a shell subjected to a picture frame test.
What I have been trying so far is to prescribe the shell edges as rigid and make them move, but with no success so far. I would like to know if anyone could help me, i know there must be a...
Hello, I'm new to Abaqus and i've encountered problems modelling a shell subjected to a picture frame test.
What I have been trying so far is to prescribe the shell edges as rigid and make them move, but with no success so far. I would like to know if anyone could help me, i know there must be a...