Pure Ni can dissolve upto 50% ferrite in it before cracking and hence can be used as buffer layer.
Pure iron however cant be used as monel cant dissolve more than 15 percent iron.
Any comments on this
What i mean was for welding, i will use 2 layers of monel upto Cladding thickness and then buffer layer of pure Nickel and then finally weld with CS electrodes.
I think it is standard practice. Why u r just telling philosophy suggest solution.
We already did PQR of this and it works nice
While welding cladded pipe, where single side approach is only possible (Monel clad pipes on CS),Which is better to use Pure Nickel or pure iron electrode?
Please give the reasons also. Pipe is not operating in creep range (Just 160 degree C design).
ESAB E-Ni-1 (Pure Nickel) is used for buffer...
Greetings Experts,
I would like to know about PWHT requirement of fillet welds in pressure vessel as per ASME Sec VIII Division 1. Following is the scenario:
Base metal- SA516 Gr 70
Thickness 40 mm
Want to weld 3 attachments of 12 mm/ 20mm/ 39 mm thickness.
Service is not lethal
Now can you...