I am building a project in TILT-UP in the Republic Of the Dominican Republic and we have used the SUPER TILT BOND BREAKER of BURKE. The concrete will leave visible (no paint) and they have been stains of bond breaker that don't disappear. As and with which product should wash the panels. That...
To determine the capacity from the crane when the panel is lifted from floor it is necessary, in addition to the weight of panel, to keep in mind an additional factor for the suction effect with the floor? That value is the factor?
I wait their answer of help
For a project in Tilt-Up, seismic area 4 and winds of 100KPH, height free of 8m and internal supports in metallic columns each 12x12metros Which average kilograms of metallic structure is for construction m2?. With steel that resistance?
Soy un ingeniero civil colombiano y posiblemente necesite ayuda para un diseño en sistema Tilt-up. Tengo experiencia, pero la magnitu de la obra puede exigir asesoria.