Thank you for the information, I also believe that the filler metal diameter per layer shall be followed in the actual production weld considering the sensitivity of the joint in order to assure the minimum leak-path length.
Thank you SextionIX, actually I agree with your post; however, do you think that there is any supporting interpretation for this issue? I believe that other may also consider changing the diameter from PQR layer/pass in production weld is essential as it is not clearly mentioned in the Code; for...
I would like to ask if anyone has information about ASME Sec. IX regarding PQR essential variables as per QW-288.3(e)for Tube to Tubesheet heat exchanger weld:
QW-288.3 Gas Tungsten Arc, Plasma Arc, and Gas Metal Arc Welding:
(e) For GTAW or PAW, a change in the nominal diameter of the...
Hello Everyone,
I would like to ask if anyone has information about ASME Sec. IX regarding PQR essential variables as per QW-288.3(e)for Tube to Tubesheet heat exchanger weld:
QW-288.3 Gas Tungsten Arc, Plasma Arc, and Gas Metal Arc Welding:
(e) For GTAW or PAW, a change in the nominal diameter...