I have been calculating the minimum wall thickness according to AWWA C504 which gives tabulated values for valves from 3 to 72" and I saw that for a 72" inches, the wall thickness must be greater than 60,3mm and then I moved to AWWA C516 to check the formula and I realized that for a 78"...
I am currently using BS EN 12516-4: 2014, you can see the file attached, I guess this issue has been corrected.http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=1c8438de-1c57-4f2c-9bf7-adb67fb66fd7&file=BS_EN_12516-4_2014.jpg
I didn't know this.. thanks. By the way, where in the standard it is stated?
I am making the question because I am using the resulting "f" value to calculate the minimum wall thickness of a valve regarding BS EN 12516-2.
I have been studying BS EN 12516-2 where it mentions the calculation method for steel valve shells and my question is how to calculate the "f" value for the wall thickness calculation.
There is a table (table 2) mentioning that it should be calculated regarding the steel, nevertheless I am...