Here's a couple pics of the device. No way for me to tell its vintage. As I said, the only thing the seller told me was that the machine was in a school. The switch may have been added as a safety measure. If I pull the plug when the machine is running, it will not start again until I hit the...
The centrifugal switch was carefully examined, the contacts cleaned with a light buff with 600 emery paper.
The action of the centrifugal switch can be heard as the motor is operated.
Capacitor checked good.
The machine starts and operated with plenty of power to zip through a Douglas Fir 2x4...
Hello guys. I very much appreciate all the replies! I had to send away for a solder sucker tool, and just noticed the replies this morning. This motivated me to continue. I got this machine at a local garage sale last year, $50. The guy told me it was in a school, it also has a Cutler Hammer...
PS 3DDave, thanks for the link, very informative. Seems the main winding is both black leads, and the start winding has a green wire from the centrifugal switch and a yellow wire from 110. No specific info available on this old General brand motor other than it's likely original to the machine...
Thanks, I was wondering about the appearance. I thought it might have been factory tar-sealant or something. Wishful thinking! I believe the saw was made in 1958 according to what I could find on the Serial #.
Thanks for the response.
Thanks if anybody can help. I've seen similar threads. I got this old Delta/Rockwell bandsaw at a garage sale. SER. # BZ2574. I got the guy to plug it in, and I saw it run for a few seconds, but may not have noticed it runs backwards. Motor specs are MASTER