following some measurement we noted >10% current imbalance what seemed a large second harmonic (> 20 %) in the supply current. firstly I was interested to know about cable lay management to know if it could lead to greater than 10% imbalance - it would seem from discussion above and papers...
Thanks for responses guys.
Cable length ~100ft
Conductor size 500kcmils
Inner screen plus outer jacket armour
Grounded at transformer (supply end)
Not transposed in cable run, just the inconsistency in lay as pictured
Cables not counter phase rotated in their groups, all are a,b,c a,b,c a,b,c...
thanks for response, especially paper provided by 7anoter4. As usual theory never matches practice and our install differs slightly from the cases presented in that particular paper.
various cases of the cable installation along the route are shown in the attached. part of problem is that...
hi I'm new so go easy!
we have installation of 9 (3 x r-y-b trefoil groups) and current sharing between phases is imbalanced greater than 10%. Could the physical arrangement/layout of cables be cause (or contribution) to this imbalance.
The lay is trefoil as mentioned, but the route is not...