hi,E9 is for burning folie if you work like that,other rows are used for step piercing,E1 you use when you need to cut for example 4mm hole in 10mm thick steel
i work 10 years on lasers...
do you cut with or without folie,thats very important ...do you cut 304 or 316
for 3mm ss with pvc folie ;
nozzle height 0.7 mm
lens 5"
focus -2.5 to -3.0 or on bystronic 2.5 to 3.0
speed never over 4000 mm/min
power on ss always on 99% of the machine
if you use mitsubishi then just take tehnology for ss and lens 5,little bit more freq for galvanized steel....thats all
sry you must tell me ticknes in mm
you must think when you work with that kind of machine
if you come with the pulse on that kind of material with lens so close to the surface ,you risk rupture off lens
Every buyer of 2kw fiber have been told that this power is like 4kw CO2...
gotpho get it right,focus -5.5,-6,maybe even lower,with that kind of resonator you can do about 700 mm/min ,probably no more....nozzle stand off 0.5 mm not lower,with pressure you can start with 11 bars and go higher and higher.....for piercing you its litle bit to close to material that 2 mm...