There are two feeds yes. There is a primary power feed and a standby power feed. There are four generators total, two generators feed one section of generator switchgear, two more generators feed one section of generator switchgear. The generator switchgears feed two primary switchgears, joined...
I'm uncertain the original reasoning behind it, the building is located in a harsh environment (artic) so maybe to protect the equipment and make it more accessible in winter? The staff can't tell me much about the original design and there are no drawings. The step-down transformers are...
Hi, thanks for your input. Ok, interesting. So the service entrance switch in this case would be the switchgear breaker before the step-up transformer(the sequence goes, generator, generator switchgear, primary switchgear, step-up transformer, step-down transformer, ATS in building of concern...
Haha, yes, thank you. 7,200,000,000V....we're actually planning on sending the power to Mars, have to ensure the transmission level is high enough! :)
Wroggent, that's what I initially thought as well, but wanted to get outside opinions/discussion.
Thanks. So to reiterate, "service" as in "service entrance" doesn't necessarily have to mean "commercial utility", but any method of power supply, including a wholly on-site generating system? I'm getting hung up on formal NEC definitions, I think. The system has a main and a standby feed, so...
Hi there.
I'm working on a project performing a survey of grounding systems at a stand-alone facility in the middle of nowhere.
Since I'm still learning the nuances of grounding systems and their interfaces with power systems, I'm getting hung up on how to approach grounding the service...