Greetings Ekenedilichukwu,
Yes. I have a residential development area. Within that area I have set sub-basins and calculated its area so I can size my SD pipe network. If I know my intensities, areas, and coefficients, I can find my discharge for that sub-basin and size an adequate pipe for...
I'll do my best to explain my situation the best I can.
I have been given the task to use HEC-HMS to do a storm drain report (find storm discharge from a 10 year, 25 year, 100 year storm, size detention ponds, size pipe capacities, etc.) for a subdivision development...
So I have reached a solution:
1 - No, a pump won't fix this problem. It is impractical. The city officials would not allow this. When is the FFD needed? In a state of emergency. What if the power goes out and the pump is not able to work? We are not able to provide the FFD to put out a fire.
Thank you coloeng.
1- I fixed the demand on my nodes. FH = 2000 gpm, Houses = 1.76 gpm. Do I set my "SouthConnect2" node as 1.76 gpm as well? Right now it is set as zero.
My tank is at 5253 ft, initial level = 110 ft, max level = 150 ft, and diameter = 100 ft with a static pressure of 47.66...
I see, cvg.
I am increasing my static pressure in my tank and I am achieving pressures above 20 psi in my system!
Now, I am observing that as I increase my static pressure in my tank, my connection pressure at node "SouthConnect2" increases proportionally as well. Does this mean due to my...
Yes, I understand. To answer your question coloeng.
I have no fixed data on how I designed my tank. I am basically in the dark when it comes to designing my tank. I wanted my tank to act as the source of water from the existing water line (which would be my 12" pipe connect to my tank). But I...
I agree cvg. I do not expect to put two hydrants on a small cul-de-sac. I understand now what the parameters of one fire hydrants are now. If I understand correctly, you are saying that my EPANET model I can expect at most 1500 gpm from one FH. Then why do fire codes and state regulations...
Thank you fel3. Is that even possible/realistic to do in a simple residential neighborhood model as this? To put 2 FH? Do I just input two nodes and bind them together at the end as FH? Do I set the demand pattern multiplier as 1000 for the FH being examined? What multiplier do I set the other...
Thank you adammal44. Correct, even with smoother pipes, this will not fix the problem. Correct, I do not think that is allowed by the fire code either. My statement's intention was to say it would not be ideal to increase my pipe diameter to 30", for example, for a residential development area...
Thank you cvg.
Very true. I tried 12 inch pipes throughout and my max fire flow demand pattern multiplier is around 410. How do I reach a 2000 gpm FFD without modifying my pipes to an extremely large diameter (ex. 24", 27", 30" etc) to reduce friction loss? I would understand increasing the...
I am working on a very simple model. I have attached my EPANET file. I would greatly appreciate any constructive help!
What I know is that:
I want to simulate a fire flow demand of 2000 gpm with a Peak Daily Demand of 1.76 gpm on a cul-de-sac. I have set my nodes with a base demand...