Thanks but I have tried that before and it didn't work.
I have accidentally managed to get it to use 285 by using a hyperelastic material model as opposed to a normal hookean. Not sure why this would make a difference though.
How would I check?
I've made them my using a mesh control, I selected tetrahedrons for method with patch conforming algorithm and I've dropped midside nodes?
There's a different mesh too that I'm importing from matlab that is definitely tetrahedral and I even save it as a prep7 command which...
Hi all,
I have a mesh of 4-node tet elements which ANSYS automatically uses SOLID185 for. I have tried using the command "et,1,285" but I keep getting this error;
*** ERROR *** CP = 3.198 TIME= 18:01:58
Element type 1 is not the same shape as SOLID285...