Hi all. Thank you so much for your answers.
Yes, I do not trust the reports from the lab either.
I did not receive any unconfined compression results, but Im calculating Cu based on the equation Su/Pa = 0.06*N. For N = 20, Su = 120 kPa. With an Su of 120 kPa, using BigH's equation, the...
I did forget to include the water contents. The water contents for the 4m and 7m sample are 17% and 20% respectively. The densities are from relatively undisturbed samples obtained by a drive cylinder.
The company who performed the borings indicated that water level was not present at all.
Im not authorized to post the lab reports here, but I'll sum the available data up.
The soil is composed of 51% clay, 23% silt, 23% sand, and 3% gravel. LL = 52, PL = 29, PI = 23, and LI = -0.5. The soil is classified as CH. - 1 grain size distribution and classification.
The unit weight is...
Sorry about the confusion with the units, my fault.
It is a relatively undisturbed sample. I believe they used rotary drilling sampler to obtain it, not a Shelby tube.
So bottom line, I shouldn't expect settlement since the oedometer test fully submerges the sample on water while that's not...
I'm dealing with a mat foundation to be constructed at 3m below grade level. Dimensions are 20m x 20m. The loading from the structure will be 50 kn/m2. The removed load of soil is estimated around 60 kn/m2 (3mx20kn/m3). Normally I wouldn't expect settlements to occur, however the oedometric...
Thank you for your answers! I meant I want to calculate the bearing capacities and settlements myself. In my case, we are talking about a mat at 8m depth.
I don't have a problem with bearing capacity calculation (i calculate it for all four boreholes and consider the most unfavorable...
Yes I am using a computer program for each calculation. Each borehole has a depth of 30, so I am calculating the settlements up to that depth (where i know the stratography). THe layers are mostly silty clay (CH and CL), however, the upper borehole has a thicker layer of sand (classified as SC)...
I have a question regarding common practice of mat foundation (B = 20m, L = 40m) design. I have four boring logs (one on each corner of the building). These boreholes each have different elevations (BH1 elevation is 160m, BH2 elevation is 163m, BH3 elevation is 160.5m, and BH4 elevation is...
Hi all! I'm a new engineer and have been working at a geotechnical company for a couple of months. I am trying to read standards, publications, test procedures, and get as much information as possible for my job. We also do soil laboratory testing, and I have a problem with the oedometer test...
Hi all! I'm a new engineer and have been working at a geotechnical company for a couple of months. I am trying to read standards, publications, test procedures, and get as much information as possible for my job. We also do soil laboratory testing, and I have a problem with the oedometer test...