Hi Dave,
Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately, the model consists of multiple layers and contact interfaces. I calculate different values at each interface since the contact pressure and temperature changes. So, the value at one interface must not affect the value in another.
Hi all,
I am using FRIC subroutine to calculate some parameters from CPRESS and NT11 (temperature) values at the contact interfaces. I want to visualize these calculated parameters in an ODB. Normally, outputs such as CPRESS or COPEN are defined as contact outputs and treated different than...
Hi everyone!
I am studying intimate contact and healing models for in-situ consolidation of automated composite tape placement. My main purpose is to develop user defined output variables in Abaqus which are in relation with contact pressure and temperature. For now, I plan to use UVARM...
Hello everyone,
I would like to see the capabilities of the Additive Manufacturing module which comes with Abaqus 2017. However, I've had hard time finding some tutorials on how to create additive manufacturing models with progressive element activation. Does anybody have some tutorials or...